SST Ampzilla 2000 v2 vs Son of Ampzilla II

Looking for something new to drive my Dunlavy SC-IVas and am considering SST's Ampzilla offerings. My preamp is an ARC SP3. Hoping someone with a bit more exposure to them could share what they'd consider the pros and cons of each to be and whether the 2000 monoblocks are worth the extra money.
These are both excellent amps! The last masterworks of James Bongiorno! I own several of his designs from SAE, GAS and Sumo. The Ampzilla 2000 from Spread Spectrum Technology will be an excellent match for your SC-IVa’s! Plenty of power - no need for the Son monos. I’d put the Ampzilla 2000 up against any of today’s expensive ($10K  -$20K +) amps!
Rober is it true SOA II is not as warm sounding as the original Ampzilla 2000?
The original Ampzilla (1976) was considered the BEST sounding SS amp at the time! That is when I first encountered it! Harry Pearson (TAS) even thought so! He called it "surgically romantic"! James Bongiorno claimed that the improvements to the original design made a " better" sounding amp - the 2000. I never owned the Ampzilla. Only the original Sons. Now have two in my collection. Presently using a Son with my DCM Time Windows. Great sound - no urge to change (plenty of other amps in my collection). I’d bet the new versions sound great, too! The Ampzilla 2000 has plenty of power - no need for a pair of mono Sons!