Martykl...I spent quite a few frustrating years searching for the "correct" crossover frequency. Then the light dawned! There is no correct frequency. It depends on the music.
I have an electronic crossover which lets me vary the crossover frequency very easily...turn a knob. If I am listening to classical chamber music I usually go down to 40 Hz (which is where my MG1.6 quit). Brass bands and organ music sounds best if I turn my cones loose up to 300 Hz or so. (Remember, my "SW" is not limited to the usual SW frequency range, and my scheme probably would not work so well with the typical commercial SW. For most music I use 60-80 Hz, mostly to get this LF signal out of the Maggies so they do the midrange better.
I have an electronic crossover which lets me vary the crossover frequency very easily...turn a knob. If I am listening to classical chamber music I usually go down to 40 Hz (which is where my MG1.6 quit). Brass bands and organ music sounds best if I turn my cones loose up to 300 Hz or so. (Remember, my "SW" is not limited to the usual SW frequency range, and my scheme probably would not work so well with the typical commercial SW. For most music I use 60-80 Hz, mostly to get this LF signal out of the Maggies so they do the midrange better.