What will a preamp do for me?

Missing in the chain below is a preamp - I use the DAC to control volume.  This is my only source and will be for some time.  What could I gain by adding a preamp?

I have Thiel CS 2.3s driven by a BAT VK-55, sourced by PS Audio PW DAC, with bridge II, mostly tidal.  The DAC serves as a preamp in terms of volume control.  Mostly Audioquest cables, amp power cord is Cardas Clear m, all fed by PS Audio upc-200.

I am am hoping to improve the highs, which sometimes sound smeared, too much sibilance; would like more air and clarity.  Loud rock sounds flatter, less dynamic than I’d like.  I am not willing to give up the deep detailed and beautifully resonant mids.  Willing to spend up to $3000, used is ok.  Totally balanced is a must.  Not currently willing to entertain the idea of different speakers - my goal is to make the 2.3s sound as good as reasonably possible before moving on to other speakers.  It’s easy to find a really good preamp in this price range, so much so I am almost paralyzed by the choices.  Aesthetix , Ayre, ARC, several BAT, Parasound and more all have apparently excellent models in my price range.  Patience would put Atma-sphere and PS Audio within reach.  Which is best for my situation?  There’s no way to audition all of these, how could I avoid getting on a preamp merry-go-round?  Or should I spend my money elsewhere?
To the OP, I will chime in....." Loud rock sounds flatter, less dynamic than I’d like ". Loud rock is not Thiel territory, and, with a tube amp ? Not to sound crude, but you have it all wrong. I am also a convert to passive, as I no longer want to "color " my recordings or hear less " detail and information " from my recordings with an extra gain stage or 2 that I do not need. I am the happy owner of a Luminous Audio Axiom II Walker mod unit, and have never been more pleased with what I am hearing from my recordings. Elizabeth.....3 separate gain stages ( Threshold to CJ to Bryston ). Really ? Enjoy ! MrD.
elizabeth, are you running your source signal through three different linestage preamps daisy chained and at the same time or I’m reading it wrong? Highly unusual setup.
But, according to Paul, todays controls are extremely linear. He also explained how even the best non-linear controls increase noise levels at lower volumes, and can not compete with today's digital controls.
I can safely challenge the idea that analog controls are noisier than digital at low volume levels. The statement is false. So much depends on execution- a general statement like that just can't hold water.
Preamps serve 4 functions:
1) control volume2) select the source3) provide any needed gain4) control the interconnect cable to the amplifier
The OP does not need 2 and 3, but 1 is essential and 4 is the least understood. The problem is complicated by the fact that a balanced system is mandatory. FWIW there are no passive volume controls that support the balanced standard, which is there to prevent the interconnect cable from having an artifact (the 'sound' of the cable).
For that matter there are not that many active line stages that support the standard (also known as AES48, the Audio Engineering Society file 48). But there are a few, and if a balanced system is thus set up correctly, then the interconnect cable will not influence the sound.
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