Dunlavy SC-IVas speaker grill reupholstering


Before crucifying me, the original fabric was frayed and looking pretty bad. While I could have replaced the fabric with something black and closer to the original (and still can in the future) I decided I’d go with something that made them less imposing. All together, it took just a Sunday afternoon. Figured I'd share the results as, to me, they definitely look better.
Did them in Osnaburg. Basically like burlap but not as coarse (read: less "fuzzy"). I've read that the fuzz of burlap could dampen highs so I went with the Osnaburg instead.
The lighter color makes the overall speaker presentation a bit smaller. Nice work. 
@celander thanks. I think so too. I figured with the white walls, they'd be a bit less obtrusive dressed in tan.