Discontinued equipment that you wish were still here. What do you miss or think will miss?

and why ?
I miss reel to reel decks and top Nakamichi decks. Also, made in the West tubes. It's obvious why.
@harrylavo - I had an Audionics BT-2 pre-amp and a pair of bridged CC-2 power amps. Good stuff in its day. I was in heaven at that time. I wonder how the combo would stand up against today's hardware? I replaced the Audionics combo with a Conrad Johnson PV2AR and Adcom GFA555. 
@reubent : I had two Audionics CC2 amps. Never tried them bridged. Excellent SQ! Worthy of resurrection! I still have one in need of possible repair (not one of the two originals).
@reubent - I still have the BT-2, use a a SS backup to my ARC SP6a (they have a very similar sonic signature).  I had the bridged CC-2's only briefly back about 2002-3.  My audiophile brother in law and I were completed wowed by the depth of field these two presented.  I sold them to go to five channel ..... wish I still had them.  

PS I use an Adcom 5300 in my second system ... the CC2's had a more high end sound but perhaps not quite as transparent.