New Cartridge Suggestions

Help.  I’m way too new to ferret thru the myriad of cartridges. I received a George Warren turn table in Feb.  It has a Denon DL-110 on it. I’m getting a new Jolida JD-9 for Christmas because my Denon AVR-4806 doesn’t quite cut it & seems to leave a veil over some of the music.

The little neighbor kid started playing with the tt & bent the stylus.  As I read, the cost to replace the stylus is a wash because something needs to be rebuilt before a stylus can be out on.  So, I might as well replace it.

I don’t know of any places north of Chicago to audition new cartridges.  My budget is very stretched at $500-I expected to only be getting to the phono preamp.  
1) Does anyone know of a place in N/NW Chicago or suburbs to shop a cartridge?
2) is there anything on Audiogon that people would recommend?

I tend to like things a tad bright.
Please don’t critique what I have or give suggestions to replace X & Y & Z.

Thank you again for your guidance.
I’d say go ahead and replace your DL110 for $349 at Needle Doctor, or, even better, $195 from Amazon.
Hana EH or EL cartridges. Your new JD9 will have no problem with either. BTW: checkout the link for info & tweeks for your new phono stage.
@tochsii - That George Warren TT is a fine looking unit. Based on the reviews I've read, the design and the price, I would think it seriously outclasses your Denon HT Receiver. Not slamming the Denon. It is high end unit and was state of the art at the time it was released. However, it is an HT receiver and a jack of all trades. It may never produce the sound you are hoping for from your TT. I hope the new phono pre-amp and cartridge produce the sound you seek. However, if they do not, you may need to replace the HT receiver with high quality seperates or live with compromised sound.

Good luck in your hunt, and happy listening.