Recommended Test Records

Setting up rig after it being in storage for about 10 years.
Just bought a SoundSmith Sussurro MKII cartridge, so I want to set everything up as best I can.
Recently purchased the SmartTractor, but may not be compatible with Fidelity Research FR64s tonearm?

Here are the test records I have from previous:
Analogue Productions ’Utlimate Test LP’ (AAPT 1)

Ortofon Pick up test record direct cut (0001)

Opus 3 ’Test Record 1 Depth of Image’ (Opus 3 79-00)
Bolivar Speaker Works, Bolivar Blues band, ’Testing 1...2...3...’ (04 007 00)

Would appreciate suggestions for other or better test records and comments on what I have already.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
"If you are really serious about setting to the best up then you owe it to check out the Analog Magik disc set, there was one listed on AudioGon

I have it and it is a pleasure to use"

I have been following this for about a year and not yet convinced.
From what I have read, especially the thread on the 'whatsbest' forum, this is not so much an accurate or consistant tool ... and at it's cost, I will wait until I see better reviews.
in addition to above, would suggest a NAB test disc. will tell you if you are even close to flat freq response.
Only with Hi-Fi Test LP you can measure the actual resonance of your tonearm/cartridge combination. This is a great test LP with nice protractor! 

With Cardas LP you can ultrasonically clean the stylus, this is amazing feature. Also cartridge burn-in loops is nice to have too. 

If you have Dr. Feickert protractor you don't really need any other protractors at all, there are all on Feickert for any tonearm with 3 different alignment methods, and build quality is superb for its price.