Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thank You for the update. Good to read that about another PS Audio BHK amp owner. These products are really gaining traction in the customer base. It seems that both Mono and Stereo amps are favored compared to the competition. A few more PS Audio owners over on Audio Asylum.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you again. Yes, it is noted that VAC and VTL are well-suited for Thiel loudspeakers. Thank You for citing your preference. What other gear is in your system?
Happy Listening!
Thank You for the CH (RIP) note. Ayre and Pass Labs integrated amps are well documented with the CS 2.4 loudspeaker. It is a simple matter of listening level(s) and brand taste(s).  Hope you are having fun on the XO project.
Happy Listening!
jon - yes indeed. The design criteria of the model 2 permits less deep bass and overall lower output than the 3. For that you get more finesse and delicacy via a smaller midrange, woofer and cabinet. Plus the 2 always trailed a next-generation 3 (or higher) development and admitted trickle-down technologies, keeping its price lower. Sweet spot. 
2.7 as it was the last speaker Mr. Thiel designed and built.
Yesterday I posted false information about who completed the CS2.7, which was finalized and released after Jim Thiel passed. I have since deleted that post. From Tom Thiel’s PM to me:
The project was engineered by Warkwyn / Canada - Tim Gladwin leadengineer. . . . The development job was actually directed by the Thiel Team and every engineering step was approved and/or re-directed by Thiel. The job would have been a minor one in Thiel-land because the actual-same coax was used and FST-China developed the 8" woofer as a near clone of the 10" 3.7 woofer. Virtual piece of cake transplant job.

Tom included some information regarding how Jim Thiel would have created a passive coax for the 2.7 had he survived to do so (the 2.7 shares the 3.7’s double-motor coax).