Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Since we're talking about amps again: some time ago I posted a plea for a list, however small, of amps that by spec would be completely capable of matching the low impedance needs of the Thiels. Has anything materialized? I mean, besides the Krell FPB 600. Seems like we are stuck in "I like the sound of it, but..." land.

Thanks for any input.
Tms - I would love to see that list materialize. A good handful of offerings have been made. It takes someone to pull it together off this forum. Perhaps you?

My own personal experience suggests:
Bryston 4B3 (cubed) most recent and most refined of their series
Classé DR-9 in any configuration, stereo or mono
Threshold S-500 (Thiel lab amp, updatable) {showing my age}

And my present research suggests:
Benchmark AHB-2 specifically vetted by Benchmark, not heard yet
PS Audio BHK-300
300 specifically vetted by PS, 250 questionable at high gain.

My needs are clean, neutral, capable and affordable rather than 'good-sounding to me'. But then I actually enjoy hearing what was recorded as honestly as possible. I cross-check neutrality with Sennheiser HD800S closed cans and co-play with Beyerdynamic ref 240 ohm.
And 50+ years in hi-fi manufacturing, recording and mastering-consulting have supplied some helpful experience. That's my short-list for my own purposes with my own constraints.

There are other Krells (though not all!), with more and less power that are suitable.

 Holco suggested the Audio-GD Master 3, with which I have absolutely no knowledge or experience, but certainly appears to be worthwhile of investigation.

Not all Thiel's have the same amplification requirements!

I am looking forward to the new xo's when ready. Thanks Beetlemania and Tom for you efforts.

As far as amps go I ran a sumo polaris amp (100 watts into 8ohms and I think it doubled or close into 4ohms) and audio research ls1 pre that sounded fantastic with my 1.2's.
Now for my 2.4's I run a Belles 150 Reference V2 (125 watts into 8ohms and 250 watts into 4ohms) with a lightspeed passive and burson buffer and it sounds really good, a good step up from my other system. Both amps sounded solid as far as I could tell and I would recommend them in the same application.
I did work for a couple of high end shops. Nothing to do with audio equipment but I got to listen to a lot of stuff. And my system's however modest the midrange sounded as good or better on the average with anything that they could put together. That was my priority, the midrange and have the extremes blend in nicely.
The Stereophile review of your product of interest shows an impedance vs phase curve with explanation. Low impedance, especially where phase angle changes quickly represents difficulty. The rule of double power at 4 from 8 ohms and at least triple of 8 at 2 ohms is less important with larger amps where you demand less of its capability. And rules are made to be broken; the differences between rooms and users is immense. And the difference between how amps respond to the first watt and under full load is immense. So, there's a lot to be said for commonly shared wisdom. Traditionally a great dealer added value to this matching equation. The amps regularly mentioned on this forum have a lot going for them because knowledgeable users have chosen them from myriad competitors.