Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Twenty years ago I was listening to a pair of Acoustat Four’s, an ARC Classic 60, and ARC SP-14, A California Audio CD player and my current Well-Tempered turntable with a Clavis cartridge. The Acoustats were underpowered with the ARC in the system, but within its range, the sound was super transparent. On a good night, it seemed as though the back wall just fell down and the depth went on forever. I fed the system almost 100% vinyl in those days. I’d like to have the Acoustats back for a few days just to see what they would do in the system today.


"You can always tell a true music lover because they will always try to make their own music.

Nice wise statement with zero merit.

<3 I am the alpha beta tester of Timmy’s latest creation <3 He has to preview what I write, for disclosure’s sake. <3 Loose lips sink ships. <3 LOL :P
It’s an interesting concept, an active/passive line conditioner. It’s the ultimate in AC power conditioning. Mounts inside the panel. Weighs 10 lbs. Compact and dense. Your wife can drop it on the floor and not break it. HAHA. Seriously, that’s the best kind of any tweak. lol <3 He will laugh when he sees this post. <3

THE SONIC EFFECT? 2-3 hundred mats in your panel (if you could do it). NOT KIDDING. Off the charts. HUGE dynamic range, details in the bass previously unheard. I call it a "force field" in the sound room..... the music is powerful and inviting and emotional. It ’s comparable to warp drive on the Enterprise. It will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF.
Even the most radically "harsh" recordings in our collection are smooth and enjoyable. I do love the Beatles but Yellow Submarine specifically was OUCH ville. Last night, ( night #2 of his new product plugged in) and honestly, it sounded like the stereo system was gone and it was a Fab Four concert just for us.Timmy was reluctant to try this product in our personal system. Seemed inconceivable that we could get improvement. I win. LOL. I can’t wait until I can tell y’all more details. AND if he’s got a waiting list? Get on it. <3 <3 <3 <3 OOOOhhhh. <3 <3 It’s Friday I’m in Love <3 <3 <3 DING. It’s Timmy approved. <3 TYVM. <3