Tower vs Similar Bookshelf?

I asked this question in an unrelated thread but did not get an answer so I'm going to see what kind of input I get by posting as a separate thread:

I'm looking at lower end speakers for my cabin.

I was looking at a certain brand and noticed their lowest end small tower speaker had a 6.5" woofer and 1" tweeter. These were the same woofer  and  tweeter that come in one of their bookshelf speakers. The towers cost about $100-$150 more than the bookshelf version. Both have bass ports in the the rear.

My question is: Is there any sonic benefit over the tower model verses the bookshelf model with essentially the same hardware? Better bass? Different crossover? Any thoughts appreciated.
Oh, useful info....these will be driven with an old Toshiba receiver that only puts out 25 wpc. For now anyway.
Well, when you mentioned "Rosanne Rosannadanna" I knew exactly what you meant and I would have sworn that was the character that did that skit. I didn't realize it was "Emily Litella" until I looked up the video. 

Gosh, Gilda was a funny woman. They don't make them like her anymore.