@handymann Hi Steve: FWIW I wouldn't run my system in any other way. The chain goes like this: Antipodes DX3 music server=>via Purist Audio Design 25th Ann. 1.5M USB=>DEQX Premate =>via Stealth Vardig 16T Sextet 1.5M SPDIF=>Jeff Rowland Aeris DAC=>via Cardas Clear Beyond XLR=>Jeff Rowland Corus Pre=>via Cardas Clear Beyond XLR=>Jeff Rowland M925 mono amps=>via 3.5M Cardas Clear Beyond speaker cables=>Joseph Audio Perspectives. All Cardas Clear Beyond and Beyond XL power cords. Three Shunyata Denali 6000S power conditioners (one each for the monos) and one for the digital chain. The 6000S units are plugged into the wall with Shunyata Sigma NR PCs. The PSU (JR's DC power supply for Aeris+Corus) plugs straight into the wall. It acts as its own power conditioner. I also have the DEQX directly feed stereo REL R-328 subwoofers. Bottom line is that the DEQX internal Pre and DAC can't compete with the Rowland Aeris+Corus+PSU combination. So, I basically use the DEQX to properly cross-over my subwoofers and, most importantly, to provide room correction and time correction of the signal to the principal listening position. Before I had the DEQX, I considered my SQ to be very good. After the DEQX addition, I attended AXPONA, listened to lots of rooms and didn't enter one of them that was near my system's price point that I thought came close to the synergy in my music room. The DEQX (and Larry) made a substantial positive difference. I consider it one of the most important contributions to my system's SQ, and it is one of the least expensive pieces in the chain. As I said earlier, I doubt you will be disappointed. I hope I have completely answered your question.