First, welcome. You have asked a question that will yield strongly held differing opinions. My recommendation, which I have given several times to others, is as follows: If possible, attend a large audio show. AXPONA is in Chicago in the spring and RMAF is in Denver in the fall. Both shows have lots of rooms that feature audio equipment you have probably never heard. Go into as many rooms as you can and spend your time listening to as many different systems as you can. Pay special attention to what equipment the manufacturers have paired together--often they have determined it is a synergistic setup that makes their equipment sound close to its best (this is not always 100% true--but it is fairly reliable). IMO, only after you have heard a lot of equipment will you be able to determine what system you are actually chasing. Then, IMO you should look for very good deals on the equipment you actually want. Don't buy it unless you are convinced you can't get it at a better price any time in the near future. This method should allow you to use discipline to wait for what you really want at a good price and your money will go farther to get a complete system that you aren't constantly feeling you need to upgrade. Otherwise, you may pay too much and not get as much as you otherwise would for the same amount of money.
Have fun--you are at a really fun part of the journey.
Have fun--you are at a really fun part of the journey.