Not sure what you’re listening to, but 90% of my vintage records are not existing in digital format appart from some private digital copies recorded from the vinyl and uploaded on youtube by collectors in bad quality. Or some horrible CD comps recorded the same way (from vinyl, not from the tapes).
You can not replace a good vinyl collection with digital, you have no access to the mastertapes recorded in the ’70s for example, all you can do is a copy from your own vinyl. I have no reason to do that until i can play vinyl! I would do that only to share my selection with somebody.
Also i have no idea how a physical object like original vinyl poress with cover can be replaced by digital file or CD from the modern era? CD format died in the ’90s, tell youth people about CDs - they never ever tried them! You can also remember MD or DAT tapes - another dead media formats.
"Collection" on Hard Drive - you must be kidding? Remember when you lost a Hard Drive with all information on it, it happens with computer hard drive. This is a typical scenario with evything digital. And all those scratched CDs! What a waste of time with the worst media formats ever made.
Vinyl is the only media survived in this crazy world of digital crap. This is the only musical format that motivate youth generation to buy it as an art object (even if they don’t have a turntable to play it).
The only format you can trust is vinyl and analog audio equipment, digital crap has no value at all. Vinyl and analog gear is an investement, the real things that only rise up in price in time.
People who blame vinyl have no taste.
Digital is only a tool to discover some nice music to buy on vinyl.
Collection of music must be on physical format, not in the cloud.
It’s like an art, you want an origina paining if you’re serious about it, not a digital copy on the screen.
I so sorry for the people who lost an enthuiasm with age.
Playin vinyl is a pure joy!