I've been thinking about what the "B&W sound" is. The folks here who think they sound slow remind of every time I've listened to the 801's (of various vintages). I always thought that was a poorly balanced speaker, with a ponderous bottom end. Maybe it was the shape of the speaker influencing my perception of the sound:) The first time I listened to 802N's, they were driven by the TACT amp and room correction system. And they were very quick. B&W may not be as transparent as Wilson's, but sound warmer (in a good way) and more natural to me. Then again, I haven't heard the Wilson 7, 8, or Sophias. But that's how I would characterize it up through the W/P6.
My Dreadnaught drives my 803's quite well, thank you. A very quiet amp, despite the distortion stats quoted.
Now how many years ago did they stop making the N series? How old would an 802N on A'gon have to be?
Does anyone here think I should be considering Revel?
My Dreadnaught drives my 803's quite well, thank you. A very quiet amp, despite the distortion stats quoted.
Now how many years ago did they stop making the N series? How old would an 802N on A'gon have to be?
Does anyone here think I should be considering Revel?