Which SR Blue or black Fuse

Which SR Blue fuse for ARC REF 5SE? It says 5A slo/blo 250V on the fuse but no size MM?any help? Anyone had any experience with either fuse and what was the result.
Let’s see, I’m guessing traumatic head injury. Perhaps a nasty motorcycle accident. 🤕
kosst, I will say this. You are relentless, and have an amazing amount of energy that spurs from your mouth ( fingers ). Why can't you let it go, and leave this fuse thing to us listeners who hear it and benefit from it. It is our money, it is our journey, and has nothing at all to do with you. And let it be said, we, as a group, have nothing we need to prove to you. Who are you anyway, the fuse police ? And keep in mind, I am not discussing fuse direction here, just the change of the fuse. Enjoy ! MrD.
Kosst, Here are just a few examples of amps that had large power supplies that I have owned, with never a blown fuse. Ampzilla, Krell KSA 50 and Mk 2, Bedini / Strellioff 200, Bedini 25 / 25, Robertson 6010, Threshold 400, Threshold Stasis 2, Audionics CC2, ARC D 50, 60, 100, Crown Studio Reference, SAE 2600, so many Mac’s, and the list continues. So stop your BS.
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If this is your platform to sell people on fuses, then it's my platform to dissuade people from silly fuses.
The problem with this declaration is that I don't see anyone here trying to "sell people on fuses." Rather, there are some posters who share their experiences about fuses. You seem to want to disrupt that conversation.
I enjoy contending with people. 