Need a Record Brush. Got a recommendation?


I'm going to put a record brush on my Christmas list. Do you have a recommendation? Why do you prefer it over other offerings? Not looking for a record cleaner, just a brush to use to get extraneous dust off of a clean record. Carbon, hair bristle, etc. What do you prefer and why? If you don't know why, but just like the way it works, that's fine too. ;~)

Also, for me, it's more about getting everything off of a lp, not the anti-static properties since I have the Destat.
The demo for the Thunderon makes the process look quick, easy and effective.

I see that the Hunt/DAK brush claims to remove dust from both the surface and inside the grooves. 
Good word of mouth about the Hunt over the years.

It goes without saying that the record being used has first had a thorough wet/ultrasonic cleaning.

What I wonder is how long will the charge last on the fibers of these brushes. 
When my original Audioquest-anti-static-brush was new, it worked so well picking up dust that I didn't need to use my Zerostat. Now the brush has no anti-static properties and I use it in combination with the Zerostat.

@lowrider57 ,

You bring up an excellent point regarding how long the anti-static charge will last on one of these brushes? This may be one of, or the main reason I opted for the Destat to use in my regimen?

In the end, I think there is no one perfect solution, especially since static is formed by the act of the stylus traveling the lp anyway. In the long run, the expense of the Destat was worth it for $100.00 off retail.

The very best solution I ever had was when my Audio Desk cleaner was working....after the air drying mode...straight to the platter......Ahhhhhh!!!
@slaw , I completely understand your reasoning. As I discovered, I needed to use my Zerostat, then use the brush to remove any leftover particles.

If you noticed on the Thunderon site, it's recommended to hold the record and not have it on the platter.
I've also found that the anti-static procedure works best when off the platter.