Naim Uniti Star/Nova and Turntable

Currently researching a 2-channel setup and leaning toward the Naim Uniti Star or Nova and would like to know if anyone uses a turntable with the stream/amp?  Thoughts? 
@audiotroy - Thank you very much for the reply. Regarding speakers, I bought a pair of the Focal Aria 906 a couple weeks ago along with Wireworld Oasis 8 10ft speaker cables at a local dealer. He also introduced me to the Uniti Atom.

My current situation is that I have a pretty decent home theater system (Anthem, Golden Ear, SVS & Oppo) and have neglected 2 channel. Now that I’m listening to more 2 channel via FLAC and Apple Music/Tidal, my on wall Golden Ear speakers and Anthem AVR are not conducive to my needs. Because my Golden Ear SuperSat 50 speakers sounded terrible with 2 channel music, I bought a pair of Focal Aria 906 bookshelves a couple weeks ago but have to use Zone 2 outputs on the Anthem MRX-720 to play music and there’s no bass management. When I was at my local dealer to buy the Focal speakers, I heard the Uniti Atom with Focals and it sounded amazing. With my current setup, I would need to add an integrated amp and run 2 channel through it. If I bought the one of Uniti boxes, I could have a separate 2 channel setup that could be moved anywhere and/or add the mu-so QB cubes around the house.

I chose the Star because I read how much better it sounds than the Atom and has the ability to add a sub and turntable but I do not need the cd ripper since I have everything on FLAC. The nova would be ideal but do not want to pay $7K.

One other thing, are you guys able to get the Naim 5 pin DIN to RCA cable (pic below)? I believe it’s used to attach a turntable to free the rca for a sub or other input. I plan on adding a Clearaudio Concept or MoFi Ultadeck turntable and upgrade my speakers to Dynaudio Super 40s or Concept 20s.

Also looking at the Linn Selekt DSM with integrated amp -
The Naim Uniti Nova is an excellent musical sounding all-in-one box solution. 
I am also a fan of Naim Audio. 
I have an Atom with Phono via Basis 1400, REGA OEM 300 arm w BSSIS silver wire, Lyra Delos, HRS base. into a NOVA II phono pre. I use Kinber speaker wire out of the class A/B NAIM into Vandersteen Treo CT.......sounds great !
while the Treo is designed to be an easy load, the NAIM is fairly gutsy amp. Best $3 K because my wife loves using it to stream Tidal and access our 3 K ripped Cd collection on the NAS.

the amp is A/B but the front end / volume control has some digital elements - NAIM has been and continues to be a bit cagey about this on the forum and FB page.

me ? I think it sounds great for a mostly all in one box...
Tomic all Uniti products are class A/B when they talk about the Uniti series being based on the Naim Nait it is very clear they are based on traditional Naim circuitry only non class A/B design is the Naim Muso products which are Class D as they have to shoehorn mutlitple amplifiers into a box with a loudspeaker.

The volume control is pure analog with an optical encoder as the only digital part of the preamp, many people use optical encoders with all analog circuitry.

If you are looking for a product with a built in phono stage to save money and complexity, and that is also very good sounding and adds in roon correction you may also want to add the Micromega M100 and M150 on your list.

The Micromega is better than the Nova in certain areas and has more overall power, the room correction is awesome and the sound is very warm and punchy, both the Micromega and the Naim products are two of our favorite lines.

Also Micromega is shown to work well with Focal and both are imported by Audio Plus Services so they are shown together.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ