Tannoy Prestige Speakers

Where can I find Tannoy Prestige speakers on the east coast?
Chashas -

I need to hear one or two more speakers, but at present it looks like Tannoy. I will need to hear them one more time as I only heard them for about 90 minutes.
I audioned Tannoys a few times and everytines was first impressed but than turned off by their wooden, boxy sound and obvious lack of punch, which was way to obvious on hard rock. Please tell me the bigger Prestige models don't suffer from that!
I recently heard a pair of Yorkminsters driven by an Almarro 318b.
Probably as good as anything I have heard.
Not especially "audiophile" [thank goodness].They just cut straight to the soul of the music.
As a reviewer on Audio Review said-I just melt on the sofa.

Speakers for both music players and music lovers.
They transcend "hi fi".