Which SR Blue or black Fuse

Which SR Blue fuse for ARC REF 5SE? It says 5A slo/blo 250V on the fuse but no size MM?any help? Anyone had any experience with either fuse and what was the result.
Pass Lab amplifiers respond wonderfully to having a Synergistic Research Blue fuse installed. This has been my experience with my First Watt F-7 amp, Pass Lab INT-60 amp, and his wonderful headphone amp the HP-1.

As a bonus the fuses are easy to get to so it takes about 3 minutes to swap out a fuse. I can not think of an easier experiment to improve the sound of one's system.
@davidpritchard  You can add the Pass XP20 Preamp to that list. Blue Fuse over stock fuse.
David Pritchard is always the reasonable gentleman on these tweak threads. Thank you, David. :-)

 "I don't see anyone here trying to "sell people on fuses."
No just the same old handful shilling for the $$$$$ snake oil fuse makers. Isn't it great this crud isn't taking up valuable space now on the Amps Preamp forum, but put in it's right spot of "whatever"  
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