Vandersteen Treo CT, Pair of Sub threes and Lyngdorf TDAI 3400

Hello all,

I am investing in a system upgrade.  My room is not the greatest and I won't be doing any acoustic treatments to it.

Basically the main speakers need to be within 12 to 18 inches of the wall (WAF).  Because of this I am thinking of building the system around Lyngdorf and Room Perfect.

I am thinking of pairing the Vandersteen Treo CT with a Pair of Sub threes.  I would be driving these with a Lyngdorf TDAI 3400.  

My question is the SUB Three's have room EQ and the Lyngdorf has room correction.

How would I set these up together?

Would I get the SUB Three's set up and them run the Lyngdorf Room Perfect


Would the room perfect render the SUB Three's EQ as useless in that case I would just by the cheaper Vandy V2W subs without the EQ and let room perfect blend the subs and mains.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Yes, as a woodworking person I can say that Richard has a GREAT veneer guy.  I personally got mine painted in Audio Havana Black.  It's an upgrade and isn't cheap, but man do they do a great job.  He has some cool veneers too.  So glad you are taking this route.  I LOVE my Quatro's as you all know.  Johnny is going crazy over that Aesthetix integrated.  I can't wait to hear that combo.  

Please keep us updated.  
stick to the Lyngdorf, and Room perfect, and by the cheaper Vandy V2W subs, you will newer get a better bass anywhere , Room perfect handle your speakers position without problem nothing ells do the same :-)
ditto +1 to  jenssmed

From my experience using Lyngdorf 2170, Vandy will likely work well with Lyngdorf 3400.
The Vandy works great with any good amp.  That said, I spoke with a friend in Atlanta who has the Treo's and uses the small Belles. Said it's a match made in heaven.  As Tomic said they put money where it counts.  I heard it once with Treo's and loved it.  I thought it was a 5k integrated.  When he told me it was under 2k, I was pretty amazed.  I've heard the Lyngdorf.  Very nice gear, but for ME, I'd probably get a Belles and put my saved money elsewhere.  That's just me, lol.  Can't go wrong with either.