Revel ultima 2 salon owners biwire or not

How many of you are biwiring your salon2's
Do you find it to make a noticeable difference
I am awaiting a pair of the salon2 soon
My system
Basis 2200 signature with vector4
Aesthetix Rhea signature
Ayre c5xe
Parasound jc1
Bat 51se
Speaker cables kubala emotion non biwire

Frankly, the doors are at the back of the speakers. The fact that they are often open doesn’t bother me in the least - wait, do you think that the doors being open has an effect on sound quality?
Mine are bi-amped using spades and thick Canare 4S11 wire.  Door closes just fine - but barely.
Yes, I am bi-amping using a pair of ATI 3002s.  A small but noticeable improvement.  I noticed more of improvement adding subs.
I'll look into it. I tried using subs with different speakers and sold or gave most of them away, I spent more time fiddling than enjoying the music and i'm not looking for 'more' in fact my problem might be solved with a small computer fan pulling the heat out of the amp.