Naim Uniti Star/Nova and Turntable

Currently researching a 2-channel setup and leaning toward the Naim Uniti Star or Nova and would like to know if anyone uses a turntable with the stream/amp?  Thoughts? 
Thanks @audiotroy , @caphill , & @tomic601 for the great responses.

I see that none of the Uniti products support SACD, would it be possible to play SACDs through the Nova using my oppo 205?
Maybe via HDMI
not sure
you might try the two NAIM groups I mentioned 
the FB group is monitored by some of the support folks in Canada and there are quite a few members with Uniti range products 

Yes you can still play SACD on your Oppo 205 and connect your Oppo via stereo analog out to the Naim Uniti Nova. So you will be using the Naim Uniti as an analog integrated amp when playing SACD from the Oppo 205.
The Atom at least has but one analog input, so a TT and SACD outputting analog would be a PITA, defer to caphill on # of analog inputs on STAR or NOVA
Caphill is correct on the Oppo. Best thing is to rip all your discs to a hard drive and store on a Nas.

We run roon and can play storred  dsd files on the Nova.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ