Considering purchasing different speakers

Hi all and thank you ahead of time for any constructive input. I am trying to get some input regarding the sound of Joseph Audio Profile speakers vs Vienna Acoustics Mozarts. I currently own the Mozarts which I enjoy but am considering buying a pair of Profile as a possible upgrade. My amp is a VTA SP-120 and preamplifier is an SP-14. Identical to Don Sachs line stage. I am a tech for Roy Mottram and Bob Latino at Tubes4hifi and Don shared his "recipe" with me for my build. I believe he was using the Joseph Audio rm25xl which he spoke very highly of before having a set of custom The Audio Nirvana ’Classic 15 ALNICO’ single driver speakers built for himself. I use an old Music Hall 25.3 DAC which I modded heavily. Think Underwood HiFi complete aftermarket upgrade. Partsconnexion provided schematics for the unit and I basically upgraded everything that would improve the unit and this has been my DAC for about 5 years. I use JRiver on my custom built HTPC. I listen to all types of music. Classical, jazz, rock, reggae, blues, indie, etc.
I, like most enjoy a wide, deep soundstage with pinpont placement of all instruments and musicians and air between. Holographic is a word I hear used that I feel is relatively accurate in describing this. I want to enjoy listening without fatigue. Just close my eyes and feel like the performance is in the room with me. I also like the music to be very detailed, accurate and layered.
So now that I have tried to explain what I have, what I like, and what I listen to I will get to my questions and hopefully get some help. Has anyone heard both of these speakers? Do you feel the Joseph Audio Profiles would be an upgrade or improvement over the Vienna Acoustic Mozarts or are they similar with each having some strengths over the other in various areas?  I will not have the opportunity to trial the speakers in my listening area with my equipment prior to purchase and have never heard Joseph Audio so I am going into this ear blind. Thanks!
Wait a sec, Vienna Acoustic "Beethoven"? Seems an odd name for a set of speakers....
I had the opportunity recently to listen to a system where Joseph audio speakers are the weakest part. They sounded very nice in a system with DCS Network Bridge and Berkeley Reference DAC at the front end. If you insist on used speakers, the Josephs are very good. I would certainly replace your DAC with an Ayre Codex!
The JA house sound pretty much nails exactly what you're looking for as well or better than any other speaker I can think of, and no need to close your eyes as they also pull off an incredible disappearing act in room. I heard the Mozarts a while back at a dealer, so different room and system, and while they may have been a touch warmer sounding than the Profiles they didn't do the holographic thing nearly as well and sounded a little less detailed and airy as well. Take this for what it's worth. Considering you can pick the Profiles up locally at a good price, I'd highly recommend giving them a shot. Worst case is you can probably turn around and sell them at little or no loss if they don't work for you, so stop overthinking this and just go for it before they disappear!
If speakers are making something "more" [holographic, as in your example] or "less" than what’s handed to it, you have a problem.

Focus on what’s ahead of the speakers and let the speaker reflect that.
"If speakers are making something "more" [holographic, as in your example] or "less" than what’s handed to it, you have a problem."

Problem is, there's no way to know that unless you made the recording yourself.  Only thing we can do is compare speakers and choose the ones that sound better or more right to us, whatever that may be for each individual.  JA speakers expose (or manufacture, depending on your perspective) holography better than most, which is why they may be a good fit given the OP's preferences.  IMO it's best to go with speakers that have inherent strengths inline with a listener's personal preferences and go from there.