Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD

Long story short, i've just brought home a VPI classic 1 mounted with a Zu-Denon DL103 on JMW Memorial 10.5 with the appropriate heavier counterweight. Had everything dialed in..perfect azimuth, VTF, overhang, with only a slightly higher than perfect VTA. Levelling checked. All good. 

I did a comparison between the VPI and my Esoteric X03SE and it's not even close. The Esoteric completely crushes the VPI in all regards. The level of treble refinement, air, decay, soundstage depth and width, seperation, tonality, overall coherence is just a simply a league above from what I'm hearing from the VPI. The only area the VPI seems to be better at is bass weight, but not by much. 

I'm honestly quite dumbfounded here. I've always believed that analogue should be superior to digital. I know the Esoteric is a much pricier item but the VPI classic is supposed to be a very good turntable and shouldn't be a slouch either. At this point I feel like I should give up on analogue playback and invest further in digital. 

Has anyone had a similar experience comparing the best of digital to a very good analogue setup?

Esoteric X03SE 
VPI Classic, JMW Memorial 10.5, Zu-DL103
Accuphase C200L
Accuphase P600
AR 90 speakers

Test Record/CD:
Sarah McLachlan - Surfacing (Redbook vs MOV 180g reissue)

Post removed 

"That link with the charts confirms precisely what I posted 12-03-2018 9:44 AM, but nobody agreed with me."
For the record, I could not agree with you more. It is only that I have not found the way to get into your account and sign your post. I agree with it to that extent.
If there are armies of vinyl-obsessed people in their teens, twenties, maybe even thirties, on these forums, could you please identify yourselves.

We know you exist and vinyl is the only way and digital is horrible and younger crowd threw away their iPhones and Spotify and are fighting for a better place in line while waiting for a record store to open on the day of a new release. Due to popular demand, Wal-Mart in the USA may open vinyl department in all of the stores very soon. In fact, given the incredible resurgence of interest in vinyl, Wal-Mart is already too late to the party. And party is full of early twenty-somethings, and not of the crowd who knew nothing better than records in their youth. Nothing existed. Not nothing better, nothing at all. And then dinosauri got extinct...
Granted Geoff, but that was probably one loose cannon. ;)
I’m no expert but I think the thrust of the argument is that SNR & resolution are correlated and that one can be used to “estimate” the other?
Members here appear to have applied this yardstick as a rule-of-thumb.
I understand the argument. The argument is incorrect IMHO. No offense.

Granted, Geoff? Granted what?