Opinions on Full-Range/single driver speakers

I am considering a DIY project to build a pair of single driver speakers. My current idea is to put Jordan JX9s into Transmission line cabinets. I am a competent woodworker and there are lots of plans on the internet.

I do really value the opinions of you audiogon members out there with lots of listening experience so I am curious what your opinions are on single driver speakers. If you can also comment on wide-baffle versus narrow baffle designs, that would be helpful.

My front end is a Monarchy tube DAC 25 with Matsushista tubes and DIP Classic, coupled to an AYRE DX7E, all interconnects and cables are DIY magnet wire. I am currently using Green Mountain Europa's and a modified Paradigm subwoofer.

After enjoying GMA's and experiencing time/phase coherent sound, I started looking at other options for coherent systems. It seems the simplest design is a good full range driver (no whiffle cone) in a TL or QWL cabinet.

So your opinions are appreciated. I would prefer if you did not advise me to purchase your favorite speaker as that is not the type of information I am seeking.

Thanks in advance for your time!

Hi, Chayro,
I believe you're right about the room. Steinway in New York makes (among others) five grand pianos, the model S, M, L, B and D in order of increasing size. They're all top quality, but are made for specific sized rooms. At Ithaca College, where I study piano performance, we have large Steinways (model B - 6'10") in one small practice room, but they don't sound their best. When I practice, I always try to get a Model M, which sounds great in the small room.
Thanks for your help!
I just installed the AN Super 8 Cast Frames in a pair of BLHs of Nagaoka design built by Johnk, which had a pair of Fostex fe206 Es-r's originally. Price was a consideration since the ANs are about half the cost of the 208 Sigma's I'd have to install today as the 206 Es-r's aren't readily available anymore.
This is not a fair comparison between the two, as the 206 Es-r's were fully broken-in when I got them vs the ANs being brand new and unbroken. On the whole, both are very detailed, w/plenty of bass on the BLHs. The 206 sounded a bit more refined than the ANs, but then I figure that the ANs will probably get smoother as well after several hundred hours of playing time.
Where the ANs felt better in my system was in the soundstage and instruments and voices positioning. The ANs seem less directional and more 3D'ish. On the whole I am pleased with what I hear out of the box, especially for their price, and get the feeling (and hope) that things will get better w/time. Very efficient w/just 2W, with plenty of volume and substance.
I'm using a Korneff 45 Sei for amp, and Regas for CD and table.
Thank you David Dicks for a good value on the drivers and to Johnk for a superior cabinet to house them.
Whew! The lengths we grown men go to, defending our passionate beliefs!
I have a pair of blh fostex 166's, my friend made the 206 model (sachikos), and we both prefer the 166's, funny , in the workshop the 206's KILLED the little 166's... But I guess those high ceilings and vast space had much to do with it.
I've just recently heard some tannoy 15" speakers and, wow.
I'm thinking I may chuck a pair of AN 6.5 alnicos into my blh cabs (hiro design @ frugal horn site) and see if I like what they do for me.
I will report my findings.
I just LOVE my NEW improved 901 series 6 version 2's ! I have been to all the shows and listened to other speakers BUT I would not trade my 901's for any other speakers on the world market.. PERIOD !...
johnk1,618 posts10-06-2009 7:30amf200a and fe206 equal in performance? My findings are fe206e has +12db peak in responce from flat. If you like that great. I dont. Use a notch filter takes away the air. Using in front horn reduces peak to a small degree but still measurable and audible. To me fe206e is 1 of the worst sounding fostex I much perfer fe166e over fe206e but sure some are groving to the peaky responce of fe206e maybe the rise adds a bit of color that others like I dont know. But I will pass on fe206e.

Post from 2009, 11 yrs ago
Fostex to this day is still trying to figure a speaker w/o certain peaks in some fq.s the **Shouty-iness** which has plagued so many of their speakers.

Any speaker compamny that feels the need to invest so many *New and Better* models,, tends to raise the old red flag in my book.
Can’t they find the magic formula, considering Fostex ain't no new kid on the block. 
Vs a new recent competitor, The Davidlouis line. 
The Davidlouis VX8, one model, 2020.
VX6 one model /2020.
Thats it, Apparently DavidLouis figures here are our best results. 
 If don’t like either then go Fostex.
Good luck in that jungle.
Tang band also has/had some issues which is why they offer many models. 
However I think they really found a  winner with the 2145. 
I bet the Tang Band 2145 beats the best Fostex W8.
TB2145 has zero shoutyiness. That alone beats most Fostex.
I think Fostex might have a **house sound** and they can’t figure out how to get rid of their trade mark of The Shout.
Which is why they come out with so many **limited editions** which are high priced and not worth the bang for the buck.
These FR speakers are a mystery and the secret to a high fi sound is a secret, which only a few manufacturers have figured out.