Which SR Blue or black Fuse

Which SR Blue fuse for ARC REF 5SE? It says 5A slo/blo 250V on the fuse but no size MM?any help? Anyone had any experience with either fuse and what was the result.
Frank my friend, Reverb isn't bad. Currently enjoying it via Bryan Ferry. My premium fuses seem to be enjoying it as well :-) 
Well this is going well....
I purchased a Walker motor controller for my Nottingham TT and lo and behold it has a fuse holder in the back.
Do not have any SR fuses spare to hand but did have a Padis fuse of approx correct size so slipped it in.
Flipped it around.
That’s more like it.
Even the wife strolled in to ask what I had done as had been doing lots of testing setting up a new cartridge using same piece of music.
Now EVERYTHING was just...more. Best way to describe it really.
Deeper lows, tighter mids, crisper highs, more " twang" where it needs to be.
Next up will be another SR Blue which will then make 4 in total in my system.

Seriously even I doubted I would notice any effect from a darn TT speed controller!

Still the most fun you can have for $150 with your clothes on!
So I think I will let this first SR Blue settle into my amp for the next 100+ hrs or so before possibly adding another.  Any consensus on where I'd get the most bang for the buck in placing another? Choices are either my streamer/DAC or preamp.  I run the streamer/DAC through my preamp.
My Mytek Brooklyn DAC by far gave me the largest jump in SQ of the three items I have BLUE fuses in.
The other items are Ayre ax7e integrated and Goldnote ph10 phono stage.
My Mytek Brooklyn DAC by far gave me the largest jump in SQ of the three items
REALLY!!!  https://youtu.be/RmyucZa6wD0?t=9