Is there a better DAC than the Schiit Bifrost for $300?

I have a Schiit Modi 2 Uber as my DAC. I'm not completely dissatisfied with it but understand that it is low end and that there must be room for improvement. I've got a nice older system but I'm not a fanatic about SQ (yet). I could use the Modi elsewhere or sell it...although Schiit just came out with the Modi 3 so the Modi 2 Uber is only worth about $60-$70 now.

There are open box Bifrosts on eBay for around $330. They are $400 new.

My questions are:

Should I see noticeable improvement going from the Modi 2 to the Bifrost?
What if I just went to a Modi 2 Multibit at $250 new, $200 used?
Is there another DAC I should consider in the $250-$300 range?
I suspect a MultiBit Modi will outperform a non-MultiBit BiFrost.  The MultiBit upgrade to my BiFrost was that big (and really was the first time I could listen to digital music; I am now completely digital).

I have read elsewhere that the sound difference between a Modi and BiFrost is negligible.  What you are paying for is upgradability.  So you want to make sure the used BiFrost has the Gen 5 USB board in it.  But even that is problematic, as there is a new USB board coming at some point, as Schiit has purchased the rights to make their own USB chipsets, and it sounds way better (if I understand this right).  They talk about it in this interview (sorry I don't know the time stamp).

So I would be going to a Modi 2 MultiBit or Modi 3 MultiBit (are the new ones Modi 3 MultiBit?  The website doesn't say they are), in your position.

@docknow  Good info. There is a multibit Modi 2 on eBay now. A tad overpriced but I'll watch it or consider new.
mzkmxcw, have you heard the Modi Multibit or better yet A/B compared it with the DACs you recommend? Just asking because I do have a Modi MB in one of my systems for purely CD playback and it really made the CDs sound better/ less digital.