Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......

Posted 2 pictures on my ozzy system page.
The picture of the outside of the unit was taken before I replaced the inlet to a Furutech NCF.

No breaker, switch, or fuse is used. Wiring is 12 gauge Military spec silver/copper and the Wago connectors. Not in the picture frame is one more set of black wires that go to another Wago connector along with the orange wire with black tape on it. The tape is for color coding.


The only problem I had was when I removed the switch/iec combo and replaced it with the Furutech inlet I had to use a PVC black filler piece to cover the gap due to the difference in sizes. But the Inlet mounted fine.

Well thanks to an Audiogonner I was able to compare the Chinese version to the CPT 300 and CPT 1800.

For this review, I will refer to the new balanced supplied unit as the “Chinese” unit when compared to the CPT balanced units. (Which are probably Chinese made transformers).

Visual appearance: The first view of this unit is that it is a very well-made, heavy, black, aluminum unit that looks very attractive in my audiophile opinion. The front of the unit has a nice power on button that turns blue when on. And on the back, there is an IEC inlet and 2 double outlets both made by an unfamiliar Chinese brand. Internally, there is a resettable fuse/ circuit breaker along with some substantial wire with a nicely laid out design. Albeit the outlets are daisy chained together (as are the CPT units).

First listen, with the Chinese unit replacing the CPT 300. Note: This unit will be powering my low power, mostly digital components that are on a separate dedicated line. I was surprised at how close the Chinese unit sounded to the CPT 300. But there was a slight harshness that could be contributed to burn in.

Replacing the CPT 1800 (which is also on its own dedicated line) with the Chinese unit: Now, my CPT 1800 has had Furutech outlets and inlet and higher-grade wiring installed. So, it is not a far comparison to a stock CPT 1800 unit. I used the Chinese unit with a preamp and a couple of tube mono blocks plugged into it. With this configuration, the music sounded harsh but also sounded like it was straining. I was surprised that it powered the amps at all. Too much current draw for this unit.

My conclusion is based on a very short play time with the Chinese unit which had ZERO hours on it compared to a well broken in CPT units. I believe with more burn in time it should get better and compete nicely with the CPT 300. However, it doesn’t have enough transformer power to power adequately higher draw amplifiers. So, keep the power draw low 200- 500 watts.


Thanks Ozzy, for the demo and comparison.  All this talk of cleaning up our power for the benefit of our home stereo, this might be of interest to A'goners, especially those with multiple sclerosis.  it starts today, free to sign up.


Wishing good health and sound to all.