The Audio Doctor makes a house call

I would like to contribute  to the discussion about Dave, the “Audio Doctor.”   I live in California but, after many phone conversations and texts where he provided advice about my system with no promise of any return, we decided a trip here from New Jersey would be worthwhile and worked out an arrangement.  Dave brought a lot of accessories for me to audition. First, we repositioned my speakers (KEF Reference 5s), which really improved the sound.  We tried a DAC (Aqua) to compare with my current Auralic Vega (first generation), wireworld interconnects and several other things.  I already had purchased an Innuous Zenith server from Dave and we set that up.  Dave was very enthusiastic about my speakers (which he sells but I already had purchased elsewhere) and my electronics (Audio Research amp, pre amp, phono stage) and never suggested buying new ones.   

At no point did I feel he was pressuring me or trying to sell me something just to make a sale.  My system is definitely sounding better now and I may move ahead with some other improvements he recommended. Of course, Dave is in the audio business and makes his livelihood that way but I think he was genuinely interested in helping me get better sound.  I know that some have objected to him and other dealers posting on this board.  Personally, I have found  his postings very helpful.  Those who don’t can always skip over them—no one is forcing you to read anything.  

Finally, I met Dave for the first time when he came here and have no connection other than as a recent customer.  
I specifically seek out posts by dealers on A'gon because I value their audio opinions more than a regular poster (for the most part). Someone who spends their life in audio are likely to know a thing or two about audio.

Of course, the opinions of the dealers are going to be biased along the products they like and sell. Just like the opinions of regular posters skewed towards gear they put money on. I have no problem with either, what I need from this site is audio knowledge. I like music and I can have  a quality experience using the knowledge I gain here.  Gear for me is just a way to get to my destination.

I have spoken with a few dealers recently, on the phone and in person, because I am going to be buying a lot more gear soon. A lot of those dealers are posters on this site. I wish they would post even more but they are usually too busy or do not want to deal with the histrionics of posters who feel violated by this. A shame for someone like me since 'experienced' knowledge is not being spread out as much as it could be.
Gpgr4blu, I will keep this brief. Your statements are very different than what I experienced workino at both SBS and Innovative two really big dealers.

Most of Andy’s or Elliots product accquisitions were not based on rigorous testing and evauating of products.

When i worked at SBS and Innovative it was me who begged Andy and Elliot to try certain new brands and products.

In terms of trying the latest and greatest gear, most of the NYC dealers whom you seem to love, most do not constantly try out new brands. 

It is for this reason that we actually have the largest collection of gear in the NY metro dealer.

If you look at our line list you will see what I mean is our new site.

When a product line peaks my fancy and if I think it might be excellent it is brought in and Troy and Myself do a listening session if the product is good it comes in if not it is sent back.

Look at our history in cabling, we started with Harmonic Tech, then Acoustic Zen, Audience, Kubala Sosna, Soundstring, Audioquest then Nordost and finally Wireworld. Out of all of these cables the Wireworld was the most balanced in the majority of our systems with Enklein being the best reference grade cabling.

In terms of vibration isolation again we started with HRS, then moved to Stillpoints and then Critical Mass. Those were our major lines, we also sold Black Diamond Racing, Symposisim and Acoustic System footers.

You want to talk power conditioners: we sampled Shunyata, Audience, Silver Circle, Isotek, Running Springs, Audioquest and Audio Magic.

Do you think SBS or Innovative tested all of those products. The answer is no. Andy sells HRS wether or not they are the best he has sold them for years, same with Elliot.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Of course. You are the best. The two dealers you claim are not in your league. I can assure you, they are far above it. Elliot only carries Wilson, MSB, D’agostino, B&W, Avalon, Meridian, Lyra, VTL, Lamm, Naim and other top brands as well as many mid level brands in extremely expensive and beautifully treated dedicated sound rooms. I have not been to Andy’s new shop but I purchased BelCanto, Shunyata and HRS from him. He also carries Focal, VAC, Soulution, Ypsilon, Zanden and others. When you worked there and tried to sell me his stuff, you told me it was the best. Apparently, you’ve had a change of heart.
Please do not try to tell me that you are better than these fellas and that they don’t experiment with new products as I have experienced products which they contemplated carrying in their shops--some of which they decided to represent and others of which they did not.
Unlike you, they do not jam a million products into a few rooms in their home and try to sell them there.
I am not a best friend to either of these fellas, but they deserve infinitely better than your comments. Once again, you prove my point every time you write. You simply have no idea how to speak without attacking other dealers who are in fact better and more qualified to sell gear than you and to criticize the critics some of whom know infinitely more than you. I know. I’ve met you many times when you tried to sell me stuff. (You struck out everytime.)
Maybe you can meet me tomorrow night at Innovative when Elliot previews D’Agostino Relentless monos with Wilson Alex and MSB digital presented by Dan himself. Poor Elliott--he doesn’t know what he is doing, what the best products are and how to get manufacturers to preview their gear there. Maybe he can learn something from you. LOL.
Although--I don’t think so as I have purchased gear at such presentations. Perhaps you should change your moniker--let’s see--how about "Shameless"
Grgr4blu as usual you are clueless. I never said Audio Doctor was better than either of those dealerships. If you look at what we carry the brand selection is better at Audio Doctor and in tems of constantly testing new gear it is a fact that we are always evaluating new brands and products.

Personally we sell some of the best brands in Audio as well, Kef Reference, Kef Blades, Paradigm Persona, Legacy, ATC, Elac, Anthem, T+A, Mytek, Aurender, Lumin, Innuous, Conrad Johnson, Manley Labs, Light Harmonic Naim, Quad, Dali, Rega, and many many others.

Our shop is 2,000.00 squre feet with four dedicated sound rooms, which makes our shop larger than Andy’s current shop, Innovative has five sound rooms with about 3,000 square feet.

You also prove your ingorance in talking about $250k Dagastino Amplifiers on some mega Wilson system how many people do you know that are spending a $500k to $800k on a system and then is Eilliot going to floor these amplifiers? You are talking about a presentation event, and yes Elliot is good at doing that, we will be presenting many major manufactuers in 2019 our biggest impediment was our out of date website which is about to go live which now shows all of our current brands and showrooms.

Here is our beta

ou equate dollars with sound quality, our $150k Reference Paradigm System is one of the most amazing sounding systems you will ever hear, howerver, with your attitude I wouldn’t let you step foot in my shop.

We compared our $33k T+A amplifier vs a $90k set of Boulder amplifers, the T+A stereo amplifier was better in terms of bass and the Boulder was a bit cleaner with a slightly wider sound stage, if the Boulder was a 10 the T+A was an 8. One was $90k the other $33k. which proves our point about testing and rather than looking at the price tag to determine sound quality.

I can’t tell you how many really expensive mega buck systems I have heard that were over blown sounding that didn’t sound like real music. The art of tunning is more than just putting the most expensive stuff together.

As per selling at SBS in the 2,000s Andy’s store did have a huge selection of the best gear, and I recommended the products that I felt were the best that he had depending on sound quality and not just price.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
You are indeed the energizer bunny of long winded feral self promotion. You just can’t help it.