Replace CJ with new equipment

Klipsch Klipschorn Conrad Johnson Premier 11 amp Conrad Johnson PV 12 with phono line pre-amp Would you rehab CJ amp & pre-amp or sell and get new equipment other than CJ. if sell what would you replace CJ with?
oh, one last thing I could add.  what type of interconnects do you use.  I went from tara labs to acoustic zen and the sound opened up a whole lot, and became fuller. I get them direct from the owner in calf. mr lee, I calls him dr. zen and I call his wife lady zen, they get a kick out of it.  tell them damon from atlanta recommended them to you, they might remember me.  will get you a good price.  and last you didn't mention the speakers you use.  cj gear loves open baffle design stuff like vandersteen, aerial, and alon/nola which I have and psb works excellent with them.  
I sold my CJ 11a and PV12 about a year ago. I found a Lampizator DAC with a volume control straight into the 11a got rid of a thick haze the PV 12 added.  Then sold the 11a when I auditioned a solid state amp (Sanders Magtech) . Speakers are Spendor SP100s. 

I do do not miss the CJ amps, and my system is worlds better with much better resolution and clarity, and still with plenty of texture and warmth.