Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
I used to love integrateds:

went along those lines:

Perreaux i150 (early model with Audiostatics)
Bow ZZ1
Krell iL300

then a step up:

Einstein light in the dark (OTL based on mosfets, changed to Merlin vsm mxe by then)

Accuphase E550
Pathos TT

Both of those two are absolute wonders in sound, I could imagine that the Inpol2 ist an amazing amp, as both Accu and Pathos did run a bit out of steam..

Since then I moved to Berning,that does it for me, but its not strictly integrated ;-)
Symphonic line RG10 MK4, the best integrated I have every heard. Very powerful yet sublime !!
Any Chinese 845 based output can be tweaked to sound better than any solid state integrated.
Any Chinese 845 will give you as much distortion and noise as 100000 good SS integrateds. You got a golden ear, man.
I still have my Sonic Frontiers Anthem Integrated 1 after 13 years, and THAT is saying something for an audiophile. The others have all gone after a few months, a year at the most.