Wilson Sasha vs Meridian DSP 7200?

I've placed a deposit for Wilson Sashas+ Ayre k5xe pre+v5xe amp.
Source is ipod/Wadia itransport/Peachtree Nova DAC.
Mostly rock music. Room approx 17 x 24 feet with tall ceilings.
I ordered the Sashas after hearing the WP8's, and hope to trade up to the Maxx 3 in the future.
Heard the Meridian DSP 7000 yesterday and was impressed with their apparent synergy with a digital source, and no need for amps/pre-amps,cables. It didnt blow me away, but it sounded pretty nice.
I can get the DSP 7200(newer model) for about 30K, while Sashas are 26K + Ayre gear + cables
Should I stick with Wilson, or are the Meridians a better choice given my digital source?
Searching forums like this I find lots more stuff about Wilson than Meridian speakers.
Cost between 2 systems is not a major factor
Any advice is appreciated.
I have not heard the Sashas yet as they are too new. My dealer is getting some in soon. I have heard the Sophias, Duetts and the Maxx's and also the Meridians. I can tell you that my ears love the Wilson sound and was not impressed with the Meridians. I came away thinking they were "sterile" for that lack of a better word. The Wilson sound is much more musical and involving. I can't afford them yet but between these 2 brands my mind is made up. But that is just my opinion, and you will receive many opinions on speakers. You gotta please your ears in the end.
Kippyy, certainly a question of personal taste but here are my experiences. I am an ARC REF / WP8 owner. I heard the Sasha yesterday with ARC REF110, LS26, Ref CD8. Excellent sounding speakers. They are a little more authoritative in the bass than the WP8. The Sasha is more laid back, softer, in the upper mid and treble region when compared to the WP8. My dealer carries Wilson, ARC, Boulder, Ayre. Ayre is an excellent SS match for Wilson. There is always a music server in the mix at my local dealer, be it an ARC DAC7 being fed from a wireless network, a Soolos, etc. so adding a digital source is not a problem with Ayre / Wilson. I have never heard the Meridian line so I can't make a direct comparison.
I use a pair of Meridian DS5500s w/ my 508.24 and Squeezebox as my living room system, and I think that they sound very good. What Theo describes as "sterile" I would describe as completely neutral and colorless. These speakers can be brutally revealing of any flaws in your source material, as well as wonderfully revalling of excellent recordings.

But there are a few considerations if you select a Meridian system:

First, you are buying into a system, not just a pair of speakers. Others may disagree, but I have not been happy with my attempts to integrate Meridian and non-Meridian gear. It works, but it seems to lose some of the effortless magic that makes the Meridian system so compelling to me.

Second, you are going to be limited to digital sources if you stay inside the Meridian system. But the tradeoff is that Meridian does some fantastic things with DSP - if you get a chance to audition their Trifield mode you may never go back to two speakers again.

Third, Meridian equipment is first-rate, but very expensive. I would recommend used - most Meridian owners treat their gear very well.

Good luck.