Wilson Sasha vs Meridian DSP 7200?

I've placed a deposit for Wilson Sashas+ Ayre k5xe pre+v5xe amp.
Source is ipod/Wadia itransport/Peachtree Nova DAC.
Mostly rock music. Room approx 17 x 24 feet with tall ceilings.
I ordered the Sashas after hearing the WP8's, and hope to trade up to the Maxx 3 in the future.
Heard the Meridian DSP 7000 yesterday and was impressed with their apparent synergy with a digital source, and no need for amps/pre-amps,cables. It didnt blow me away, but it sounded pretty nice.
I can get the DSP 7200(newer model) for about 30K, while Sashas are 26K + Ayre gear + cables
Should I stick with Wilson, or are the Meridians a better choice given my digital source?
Searching forums like this I find lots more stuff about Wilson than Meridian speakers.
Cost between 2 systems is not a major factor
Any advice is appreciated.
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I have had Ayre K-1xe, Ayre C-5xe & Wilson Sophias for 3 years and have listened extensively to Wilson WP7s & 8s and Maxx 2s. Also spent an evening listening to an all-Meridian setup with DSP8000s and Meridian surrounds at my dealer.

I agree with Theo. You can't go wrong with Ayre-Wilson - a very musical and revealing synergy with them. When you change cables or anything else in the system, you can immediately hear the difference. I, too, found the all Meridian system to be not terribly emotionally involving except on the best live rock concert recordings, it had a "you are there" presence.

Hope this helps.

What are the sonic characteristics of Ayre that make them a great match with Wilson? I have Wilsons (Sophia 2's) and currently use Pass amps (which I'm happy with, but I'm curious).


Well, Pass amps are hard to beat and I can and have lived happily with Threshold Class A mono blocks. I have Lamm M1.2 hybrids, which I like a little better than the Ayre MXR mono blocks because they have a bit richer, fuller sound, and because I like the sound of pure class A amps and what an outstanding NOS 6922 type tube does for the richness and fullness of the sound and the natural decay of the notes.

I think the Ayre preamps are among the very best preamps. Very neutral, incredible dynamics, PraT, huge soundstage with very precise and anchored imaging, tonal balance and air.

Wilsons are great speakers and the Sophias are more forgiving than the speakers further up the line, but they are still so revealing that you can easily hear what a preamp does to the sound. That's why I think the Ayre preamps are a great match with Wilsons. They pass the music without adding anything and without subtracting much.

If you are ever looking for a new preamp, I think you should give the Ayre preamps an audition with your Pass amps and Wilsons.


My System consists of:
DCS Puccini
Ayre k5xe
Ayre MX-r
Wilson Audio W/P8
Trasnparent Cables-Ultra
Shunyata Python and Sidewinder power cables
Shunyata Hydra 8 v2
Shunyata Guardia Pro- Used for Amps ( Ihave two power cables per amp)
Rives Level 2 Room Treatment

I bought this system in April 2009 and I just love it! I wish I could have purchased the KX-r but just couldn't swing it now.

I have not heard a full meridian system and I am sure it is quite good but I do not think you can go wrong with Wilson Audio Sasha. From what I understand the Sasha is quite good and better than the W/P 8.

I purchased my W/P in April. I was told by my dealer at that time that I could buy the W/P8 at a discounted price and trade up to the Sasha later and pay only the difference in price between the Sasha and W/P 8. That is pretty cool. I should have my Sasha in early September.

I have two suggestions for you.

1) Have your listening room acoustically treated. I used Rives for the design and the sound in my room has been transformed. It was like I upgraded everything in my system.

2) Have you auditioned the MX-r? If not I would check them out. Detailed, sweet but with some balls. I listen mostly to rock as well and I thought the mx-r made rock recordings sound more full and life like. I know they are significantly more expensive but worth checking out.