could somebody help me out on the benefits of expensive phono and speaker cables?

want to upgrade,but not sure if its worth it.
More music,more sound,more information,more imaging more definition upgrade asap.
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   I would say cabling is system dependent more than anything. With 80% of the systems it doesn't matter because the system cannot resolve the difference. 
    My Living Room system which uses an above average receiver and OPPO player has old Monster and Audio Quest cables...I hear no difference in cable change outs. However my listening Room system which uses Technical Brain and heavily modified Silverline Grandeur mk II speakers is easy to hear. Schonberg makes a great bang for the bucks line of silver ribbon cables.
Price brings mostly the outward appearance differences.

There are three distinctly different sounding speaker cables.

  1. Regular stranded copper.
  2. Solid wire.
  3. True Litz (type 2).

Each one will sound different than the others.
Each one can be constructed to give the appearance to sell for big $’s. And, in turn. Each one can be made to sell for much less.
People with more money than they know what to do with will think big $’s cables must sound better. Someone out there is always willing to oblige them. They will definitely look better. Sound? Your choice. 1, 2, or, 3.
Is a $200 bottle of wine better than a $20 bottle of wine. Is it 10X better? Cable/wires can make your system sound different. Is that the same as better?
Maybe. It depends on what you are trying to find.