@bdp24 I have for years heard accusations from audiophiles about TAS and now Stereophile requiring advertising from any company wanting one of their products reviewed. I have never seen any proof of that, and have to point of that though I have never seen an ad from Music Reference in Stereophile, a review of the RM-200 by Michael Fremer has twice appeared in the mag; once of the original version, a second of the Mk.2. That the Arma-Sphere M60 and/or MP-3 have not been reviewed is ridiculous. They review all kinds of over-priced status symbols, why not some high-value mid-priced pieces (the stuff most of us are interested in owning)?
True, I have never advertised in Stereophile. I run a different ship than most. I was offered to share the front cover for the Fremer review but declined. I want my amps to sell on their merit not advertising. The people who know will find me, its never been a problem.
I find Stereophile and JA the most unbiased folks in the industry. TAS is and always has been a joke technically. Harry made the best of it as the self acclaimed "Audio Pusher". I read a few issues over the summer and saw that their current model is the "two page review" Every review was two facing pages. How boring. Where do the reviewers find all those words? TAS will never measure anything and what am I supposed to learn from all those words.
Stereophile also reviewed the RM-5 and RM-9 in the 80s. Im quite sad where things have gone in this industry I have devoted my life to. Need I say more?