Funny question, 170lb speaker and foam base, how to remove?.

I got large speakers shipped recently but I am yet to find a way to safely remove bottom foam base which the speaker seems to firmly sit on. 

The foam holds the speaker base, and the speakers feet are in the foam. Is there no way to safely remove the foam without wrecking it?.

Lifting the speaker is just not possible, nor tilting it, the foam is pretty thick and the speaker cannot be made to slide out of the foam since feet are wedged into holes in the foam base.

I wonder how people deal with large speakers shipped to their homes seems like quite a task unboxing and placing etc.
I got a good discount and purchased them at RMAF this year. Perhaps it was RMAF, I got a good discount. I did not ask for more after they offered me discount, free shipping. You should ask. 
Yeah, I haven't gotten over to listen to them yet. Was planning on driving over this fall (I have a nephew that lives in Springfield, I'm by Indianapols), but never made it.

I have been dreaming about a pair of Legacy speakers for twenty years, since first reading about the Whisper.
I think you should be able to place them on there side to get the bottom foam off. I have installed speakers weighing 215 each with the help of just my wife! Once they are upright walk them into place.

@rocknss you should definitely take a listen, look for dealer near by. I listened to many speakers at RMAF some obscenely pricey!!.

To me only Sanders system sounded better when compared to many others. Legacy sound is a also quite consistent across the range. There is a level of engineering effort into these speakers that I like and less of Voodoo stuff which I prefer.

I think full range, actively amplified with room correction with sound leaning towards neutral but effortless listening for hours on end is really what I was going for. But at this price there is no match in my opinion, if you can live with the size of them(they are big!!) I would go for Aeris else Focus XD(just a tad smaller), Signature SE and the new Calibre XDs are really good. You can notice the difference however as you listen to each speaker but I would have liked to spend more hours critically listening to each setup, similar configured(level matched sound and using same electronics, correction and room etc) before deciding if I could do over.

@ozzy I going to try the same :) thanks for boosting my confidence in handling them.

Wow. I have heard these are truly great speakers. Great choice. Don’t they come with some kind of room EQ device? I am sure you will really like them...