Continuing from above:
It can be said, "Well, we've always known EMI can be a problem." However, has anyone else shown to the degree of this effectiveness--at the level of the end user--just how much of a problem EMI really is? If so, I have not heard of that person or product.
Regarding Total Contact, the material that fills in voids and irregularities in mated surfaces, I have proposed that anyone with a component sound system that is connected up by wires and cables will benefit from TC because a connection is never as good as a continuous pathway. Naturally, with portable and interchangeable devices, we must make connections. TC enhances those connections to a stunning degree of performance. Tim has shown us this, as well.
If you are a designer of audio gear, if you are an EE, if you have vast knowledge and a superior audio system, you are not immune to the detrimental effects of component connections and EMI---doesn't matter who you are or what you have in equipment. All any of us have is a signal in a wire---and a lot of EMI to go along with it. I would like the commentary of some authorities here on this topic. If I appear to be promoting a product, I am, insofar that the inventor behind this singular product cannot be separated from its enlightening benefits in the attenuation of EMI.