Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray

Hello all,

I've been reading about Tidal speakers and was curious if anyone ever heard the Tidal Sunray or perhaps any other of their speakers.

The Sunray has 2x7" ceramic mid ranges, a 1.2" diamond tweeter and 4x9" woofers per speaker.

Based on the reading/research I've done it appears that Tidal manages to use the advantages of ceramic/diamond drivers, being detailed, transparent and fast, but managed to control their drawbacks namely potentially dry, clinical and thin sounding.

I currently use the Marten Coltrane but the Tidal appears very interesting as upgrade.

Appeciate if anyone is able to give their views on this speaker based on a listening session and if you agree with the above sound.

Also your view of this speaker in comparison with eg. the Avalon Isis, Rockport Altair, Peak Consult Dragon and Magico M5 is appreciated.

Many many thanks
....tidal sunray.... 4 months later....

here are some of the very noticable improvments that i noticed over the last 3-4 monthes of very enjoyable ownership--
the bottom end has tightened up considerably. the bass quality and impact are better, more defined and refined.
the mids have also opened up more and are a lot more "see thru". the highs ,provided by this incerdible diamond tweeter, have also opened up even more. cymbals now linger in the room for almost ever,and drum's hihats sound crisp and fast.
anyone considering these phenomenal speakers must be patient as their break in time is lengthy ,but very rewarding!
Ozy please keep us updated, all this information could be usefull to many audiophiles! I will be soon be buying the Contriva and I wanna get as much info as possible for everything regarding their sound and behaviour.

Happy Listening,

hi argyro----

will do! i think you will be very impressed and pleased with your upcoming purchase. from what i heard of the contrivas at the c.e.s show, they are a revelation!

just be very patient with their break ins, as their sound will change/ improve further considerably over time.
also ,another important element is the power and its quality feeding the spaekers.
Ozy I am considering using a Sovereign Glory amp and maybe a Wavac PR-T1 as a preamp. I really cant wait, sometimes I have a hard time sleeping...lol

On Saturday I listened to the Contriva for two hours with my own CDs (in the system presented in abouthifi.com) and I got goosebumps in every single track I was listening. The timbre is so so natural and real!

Happy Listening,

hi mike---

i bet that system at"abouthifi" was a killer!
as for the soverign amps-- have not had the pleasure of listening to them, but given their reputation and the head designer/owner's , i'm sure that they are superb!
as you and i and other "tidalists" discussed here and other tidal forums, tidal speakers require ample amount of quality power to drive them to their best performance.
flimsy, murky,questionable amp designs (meyau...) need not apply....