Just to be clear, the Neoliths, like many other speakers require a proper amount of time to break in and also required proper set up and placement, as WC has discovered. He has owned many other Martin Logan speakers in the past, and also many other speakers and he knew this.
simply taking them out of the box and placing them in the room wouldn't work for most speakers.
So, there was/is nothing "wrong" with the Neoliths. Proper break in, set up and placement was required. each room is different.
That is not to say that in the future, WC won't try other speakers, amps etc. That is really the point of this post and his journey.
People are now sitting back waiting for him to off load equipment, so they can grab it. He has bought and sold some very nice stuff.
I'll be at his front door, first in line when (if) he decides to sell his REF 10 pre-amp. I have the REF 6 and I am very happy with it. But, I have heard the REF 10, REF 40 and many others and as far as the REF 10 is concerned.......damn! And yes, most times, I have heard equipment in my own system.
How many of us have been seriously disappointed buying something with out hearing it in our system first only to bring it home, hook it up and say, wait a minute, this doesn't sound nearly as good as I remember in the store?
I've never heard Block Audio amps, but if WC says they sound great with the REF 10, Neolith set up, after all he has heard, I believe him.