Suggestion for best stereo amp ?

because of severe WAF, I must limit myself to stereo amp. After several years of happiness with my Krell Evo 402, I am starting to think there must be upgrades possible. Any suggestion ? For your complete information, I have a Krell pre-amp Evo 202 and loudspeakers are Wilson Audio Sasha.

What I most enjoy with my Krell: no limit to pure power, great bass and tight control. Enjoyable from very low level.

thank you in advance for your help.
I would get the Dan D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock power amps or the Momentum stereo power amp with the Momentum linestage preamp. 
This will be a great upgrade path. 

You are getting performance that’s a bit worse than the $15K PS Audio BHK 300, so not worth its $55,000 price tag unless the looks are really for you. Also, not saying the BHK 300 is the best for the money, just giving a comparison.

You cannot base solely on measurements. Many equipments that have great measurements or look great on papers don’t necessarily sound that great or musical and vice versa. Never look solely at measurements. You cannot evaluate the audio performance, sound quality and musicality based on measurement numbers. You will have to listen to the equipments and compare between them by listening to them, not looking at measurement numbers. Great measurements do not equate great musical sound and do not guarantee that.
Besides, that measurement that you posted was for the Momentum M300, not the M400. The M300 has been replaced by the M400. Just FYI. It’s not that it matters.

I have listened to the PS Audio BHK 300 monoblock amps before and they sounded terrific but did not perform on the same level as the D’Agostino Momentum gears. I used to own the D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps myself. Not saying that the D’Agostino Momentum is the best sounding amplifier. No.

Have you ever listened to and compared between the PS Audio BHK 300 and the D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps in actual listening sessions before? If you haven’t, I suggest that you shouldn’t be judging or making comments or making assumptions.

Lastly, looks don’t matter to me and have no influence and should not be the influencing factor in purchasing decision. We are not buying art sculpture here. It is audio hifi electronics and speakers for God sake. Of course there’s a plus or bonus if they look good but what matters is how they perform and sound and system synergy, which is the most important in achieving perfect blend and overall harmonic sound from your system.