I too was insulted being told what I can and cannot hear. I have two separate systems with cd players and turntables, 1 Rega 6 w/ Ortophon Bronze and 1 late 1970s Thorens in great shape and with the same new cartridge. I can not only tell the differrence between playbacks I can tell the difference between the 2 systems. The 2 cd players do not sound the same! Neither do the turntables. And in all 'systems' there are many links and each one can determine the final quality of sound. Dave Brubeck's Take Five album in 180gs is awesome and the high end on the second cut on the first side rings out with the sweetest percussion no digital player can possible match.
If I suffer from notalgia, it is with joy and sorrow. Sorrow that music is murdered digitally and joy that I am lucky enough to know the difference. There is nothing wrong with missing something that is very good. The cd is still good on cleaning day when I run the vacuum.