Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment?

I take great care in my record collection.
1. I have a manual record vacuum cleaning machine. I also use an enzyme cleaner on a few really dirty ones.
2. I replace all paper sleeves with plastic ones.
3. I use groove glide on only the records in really bad shape. Around 1 percent.
4. I use a record jacket to protect the covers.
5. I meticulously keep the stylus clean.
6. Use a brush everytime I play a record.
  My question being is; will the Last system actually improve the sonics even after all the care I put in to my collection?
How much time is involved treating a record? How much per record does it cost if I buy the larger treatment kits? Id like to hear your experiences with this product. I have close to 3000 records. My analogy is like a great movie that I have never seen. Wow you just now saw that? Will I have an aha moment using the Last system like oh wow, I should have seen that movie years ago. Lol

Last Record Preservative creator Walter Davies claims no immediate benefit in the sound of treated LP's, but rather, as the name more than implies, the prevention of deterioration in their sound with multiple plays. At that I consider it very successful.

It takes only a minute or two to do both sides on an LP, far less time than a thorough cleaning. I've used Last since it was introduced in 1983.

I have used it on many Lp's over many years ago, but noticed no improvement over my other untreated records. Just my opinion...
I'm in favor of keeping LPs clean. Really, really clean, such as can be achieved using a good ultrasonic cleaner. Cleanliness is best the LP preservative, imo, and I don't see any need or advantage to then putting goop on a clean LP.
I very much agree with cleanliness cleeds (I own a VPI HW-17F, and am putting together a DIY USC), but Last is not "goop". It is a very thin liquid, which when applied to an LP bonds molecularly with the vinyl, preventing the fracturing of the vinyl's molecules. Last creator Walter Davies is not just a chemist, but a long-time audiophile, engineer, and hi-fi retailer. I bought my first big system (Magneplanar Tympani's bi-amped with ARC electronics) from Walter in 1973. He's a fantastic guy, and Last Record Preservative a great product!