djones51, yes I can build a false wall in the back and intended to from the beginning. Will put flush mount power strips there. At each shelf level there will be openings in the false wall for cables allowing some additional air flow.
And yes, I can mount a fan there. It would not have a very good exhaust path though because these low shelves will have high shelves going up either side which will preclude side vents. Vent openings on the top shelf would be unsightly and this is part of a set of bookshelves which are intended to be an attractive part of the decor. My "music" room is not really my room or entirely a music room as it doubles as a TV room and den.
The owner's manual says it recommends a fan if the cabinet has a closed back. It says this is in case of "long periods of time in hot ambient air". They do not say what they mean by "hot". We keep the house at no more than 78 degrees in the summer time. Usually 76.
I am prepared to put the unit on top if need be. I wish I had measured operating temps while the unit was running in the summer. Then I could compare them with the unit on a shelf and move it if temps were to run higher.
And yes, I can mount a fan there. It would not have a very good exhaust path though because these low shelves will have high shelves going up either side which will preclude side vents. Vent openings on the top shelf would be unsightly and this is part of a set of bookshelves which are intended to be an attractive part of the decor. My "music" room is not really my room or entirely a music room as it doubles as a TV room and den.
The owner's manual says it recommends a fan if the cabinet has a closed back. It says this is in case of "long periods of time in hot ambient air". They do not say what they mean by "hot". We keep the house at no more than 78 degrees in the summer time. Usually 76.
I am prepared to put the unit on top if need be. I wish I had measured operating temps while the unit was running in the summer. Then I could compare them with the unit on a shelf and move it if temps were to run higher.