Snake oil came first. By a likely ~ +50k years

The entire path re professionalism, in all possible ways... is rooted in the thing that came first ---- snake oil. Something that was in play the whole time....of predating ideas on professionalism -----for a likely 50,000 plus years.

To attack the very thing that bought about and formed -hell no, Defines- human intellect?

Study suggests shamans acted as the first professional class in human society
Could be an interesting discussion but I expect degeneration will set in quite soon.
teo-audio: you indicated in your OT:

Study suggests shamans acted as the first professional class in human society

The first professional class, i.e., professionals providing specific services, is not the same thing as professionalism, which is the competence or skill of A PROFESSIONAL.

Two very different things.
We were told in ROTC that historically the idea of professionalism started with the military officer class. Not sure if this is true. But at the time of the development of that concept that particular class was surely putting it all on the line for their calling. It was not just training and a standard of conduct, it was putting your life on the line too.
Something like that is likely true when it comes to the record in formalization.

engineering is born out of middle ages bombmakers for warfare. The original bombs came about when gunpowder finally appeared in the west. 

then the dangerous job of the bomb maker or 'engineer' arrived as a descriptive. He makes engines. Engines of war. (devices of war)

The term 'hoisted by his own petard', is in reference to engineers who blew themselves up.
"Two very different things."

Like you said, I indicated and never called it that at all. So it is difficult to be as what you might be saying I said, as I said no such thing.  Perhaps yours is a general remark?

As for the shaman being a professional or not, we can’t really argue that in any sensible fashion. No point.
True story. I accumulated the most demerits in Air Force ROTC in the history of the U. Maybe in the history of ROTC, who knows? I guess some people aren’t cut out for that kind of professionalism. Besides I found it quite difficult to accessorize with that dreadful blue gray color.