Passive preamp to a power amp?

I was reading reviews on the Schiit Saga and people were having a hard time differentiating between active and passive mode. In that case, why not just get the Schiit Sys passive and save 300 dollars? 

I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental here.

p.s. Sorry for the deluge of newbie questions. I hope others have the same questions at some point and benefit. 

Is there any reason to expect a SQ difference between Saga passive and Sys theoretically? 
You should shoot Schiit an Email and ask them. I’m sure they will give you the scoop!
Done. Will keep the thread posted. I can’t imagine they’re going to say yes though and potential sell more Sys and fewer Sagas but lets see.
The Saga has a much better volume control design over the Sys. FWIW, in my opinion, a very audible improvement. Worth the $ difference if you want to extract more detail and information out of the system ( this is assuming going passive works for you ). There are many threads about this subject here on the "Gon, and elsewhere. Enjoy ! MrD.