Snake oil came first. By a likely ~ +50k years

The entire path re professionalism, in all possible ways... is rooted in the thing that came first ---- snake oil. Something that was in play the whole time....of predating ideas on professionalism -----for a likely 50,000 plus years.

To attack the very thing that bought about and formed -hell no, Defines- human intellect?

Study suggests shamans acted as the first professional class in human society
Could be an interesting discussion but I expect degeneration will set in quite soon.
mapman15,539 posts12-13-2018 9:58pmStop living in the past and bragging about all the demerits and get back to current business, ie spewing nonsense repeatedly and non stop.

>>>Take a happy pill and stop obsessing about me. ‘Tis the season to be jolly. 😃
Was Einstein a shaman? Galileo? As the lines get blurry between classical physics and quantum mechanics and between physics and metaphysics it’s perhaps best to recall Arthur C. Clark’s observation, A sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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In the Air Force the saying was that if you complain about a problem long enough someone of higher rank will finally.............tell you to stop.