Recommendation for DAC needed.

I’m looking to replace my Schiit Gumby DAC.  Price range: $2000-3000.
Right now considering Ayre Codex.
Need it for my CD transport as a well as compacity for hi res streaming.
 I don’t need headphone capability.
Any high quality unit recommendations would be appreciated.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrvpiano
I can't comment on the relative SQ of different DACs, but I can enthusiastically support the PS Audio products. The ethernet connection is a noticable improvement relative to USB,and the ability to play MQA is a significant step up relative to streaming other sources or redbook, at least from my Oppo transport.  I have basically stopped spinning discs as a result.  The potential for ongoing improvements at no cost is the icing on the cake.  They have a good trade-in program and I believe 30 day returns.  
So every DAC except Schiit’s MultiBit sounds like ass, sure. Schiit only recently got AP gear to actually test their performance while designing, and notice how they made the Modi 3 and not another MultiBit DAC. MultiBit is snake oil. 
PS Audio is good, but similar/worse than Benchmark, absolutely not better if you did a blind listening test.
PS Directstream DACs are being heavilly discounted right now through a number of dealers for $4000 & less. Best pricing I've found is at High Performance Audio in Hollywood, Florida. They not only sound amazing, but they are upgradeable with new software & firmware for free. They just released Snomass which is a marked improvement over the last version. It sounds great in my system & I don't  even need a preamp now, as the Directstream fills that bill too. 
The PS Audio Directstream with Snowmass is thinner sounding in the lower mid range than the Benchmark DAC 3. Directstream is also less forward sounding and yields less of a wall of sound and consequently more soundstage depth. Benchmark DACs can be a little forward or aggressive sounding, especially in the lower mid range (think chesty vocals for males).

Both DACs have comparable detail and resolution but the Benchmark is more raw and lively (front row) while the PS Audio is more refined (think row 5-10) The detail and liveliness of the DAC 3 can be exciting and exhilarating but also at times distracting. The politeness of the PS Audio Directstream is enjoyable as recording artifacts are less emphasized but on some recordings it can seem a wee bit reserved at times.

Both are excellent sounding. Bass quality is equivalent and excellent. Treble is smooth and analog like. Benchmark is like a microscope on the recording and you notice more often that you are indeed listening to a recording - warts and all. PS Audio Directstream is more laid back or “musical” but without losing any detail.

The difference may be down to the very different output stage. Benchmark is active op amp while PS Audio is a transformer output. The active op amp of Benchmark is very powerful and dynamic - transients stand out. The transformer output in the PS Audio Directstream may be the key to its smoothness.

Take your pick. Both are excellent. Either could float your boat.

I prefer a good preamp even if the Benchmark has a built-in analog preamp and despite ridiculous claims that the PS Audio Directstream doesn’t need an analog pre-amp. (Digital volume control is rather limited in range before performance suffers severely due to SNR and linearity)