Oppo 83 transport and DAC

I love LPs, but have listened to more SACDs and CDs in the last few years (mostly international folk songs and music). Getting OPPO 83 for Blu-ray recently, I don't know how I can max out Oppo audio quality to my MFA Magus Pre-amp and Sun Audio 2A3 power amp, and Lowther's speakers (set up purposely for my Teres turntable and Shelter's cartridge). I heard that the OPPO 83's weakest link is its DAC, so I wonder what DACs will work with the 83's transport well to give me the midrange and extended bass I am used to. I do not want to spend $5K DAC that will not help the 83's transport. So, Question 1: Anyone knows how good the 83's transport is? Question 2: Which DAC will work for my 83's? MSB Link III, Musical Fidelity A3 (24), MHdT Havana or Paradisea, CAL Sigma, Benchmark, TUDAC, PS audio, Cambridge Audio? Help! thanks
Just buy the oppo bdp-83SE (special edition), or have oppo upgrade your 83 to the SE. It's rated Class A in Stereophile's Recommended Components.
P.S., I'm not sure if Oppo upgrades. Nu-Force will and then some!

I just thought I'd throw this out there. I currently use a stock Oppo BDP-83 as a transport to an older external DAC (McCormack DAC-1). It is connected via a Monoprice Toslink cable with the premium metal connector. When I get back to my listening position I then set the Oppo BDP-83 to Pure Audio. To me and my surprise this set-up sounds better than the stock 2 channel analog section of the BDP-83. The music just sounds more alive and detailed with the music coming from the DAC-1 rather than the Oppo.

I would have loved to have tried the upgrade to the Oppo BDP-83SE but at the time it was out of my reach money wise.

I think Oppo will be offering new BD players soon so I'll keep an eye out for that.
The older Oppo players have jitter issues. Get a digital signal reclocker that reduces the jitter before sending the signal to an external DAC. Just my 2 cents.