All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations


Looking for recommendations on a user-friendly  pre/power/dac/streamer OR preamp/dac/streamer combo or all in one pre/power/dac/streamer combo.  ~$2-4K is my price range.  These combos are difficult to search the internet for and even more difficult to search Audiogon for (what section do you list them in?). 

Here's what I think are my requirements.  I say, "I think" because I'm open to other options to get me there.
1. Control unit with iphone, ipad
2. Runs Tidal
3. Runs cool-- my equipment is behind doors away from 2 year old hands
4. Fun options- HDMI input, bluetooth, air play, room correction- I have no control over placement options for speakers (wife retains that authority)
5. If recommending all-in-one box with power needs plenty of watts to run ATC speakers, generally >100wpc.

Current system consists of ATC SCM 11 v2 speakers, Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 which runs straight into Wyred for Sound ST-500 mk 2 power amp.  I have a Squeezebox touch from which I stream Tidal.  Also have an apple tv and sony uhp-h1 universal player connected through the DAC.  My stereo is in the main living room connected with the tv that everyone uses.

I"m really looking for functionality upgrade, not necessarily looking to improve on the sound.  I'm pretty pleased with sound quality and I don't know if I could elaborate on what sound quality I would improve upon if you asked.  I want my wife and kids to be able to use it and enjoy it as much as I do.  Think Taylor Swift dance parties (for my daughters), country music for the wife, and jazz/acoustic for me, and tv sound through the stereo all of the rest of the time.   

Right now I have a separate remote for all the devices.  I frequently have 3 remotes in my hand at once.  I use iPeng to control the Squeezebox, but I don't think it's great and doesn't integrate all that well with Tidal. Wife and kids find it more difficult to use.

My wants seem to outweigh my bank account- the eternal audiophile conundrum.

Thanks for your input!

@mr_m--wise comments.  good stuff.

@usery--Nola! Sweet!  Clever speakers.  We should be friends.  ;)
I see one available on The Music Room with room correction which I think would be smart given my inability to do anything about speaker placement.  I purchased my current set up from them and have been pleased.  I have also have a sub- polk audio is doing  the job nicely, IMO.  

If room correction is must-have for you, unit at TMR could be a winner.

If you're in a spot to defer DRC til later (like I'm doing), and $4K is your top-end, you might even be in range of a new M-100.  There's a sale going that might land at or just above your budget.  No guarantee, PM me if interested.    Note I get nothing other than good deedness to dealer who has done well for me recently.
Interestingly in the article usery referenced above, the DAC section of the m100 is the same used in ATC’s own CD/DAC.  Since they are the ones that have manufactured my speakers that seems like a cool coincidence.  I know any DAC is more than just the chip but found it very interesting.  

No connection between the harmony remote and the chromecast audio. It was just an example of another inexpensive device to improve functionality of a system. The chromecast would have to be controlled via your phone or tablet or whatever other device you can use to access online streaming services, but for the price ($25-35) they are fantastic...and save you a lot of money to spend elsewhere vs an audiophile streamer. No offense to Taylor Swift or your daughters, but you’re probably not caring about perfecting the sound quality quite as much for those dance parties. The Chromecast is easy to use, inexpensive, and surprisingly effective for making a system more family friendly by allowing access to those streaming services. The Bluesound Node 2i that’s been mentioned is definitely “better”, but it also costs a lot more so it depends how much you value sound quality for hi-res with chromecast but it’s not like a crappy old mp3 file either. 

If if the goal is to add streaming and make the whole rig easy for the rest of the family to use then a harmony remote plus a chromecast audio can probably do both and all be controlled from a phone or tablet for less than $200. If you can use a remote without the app then you still make things way easier than juggling 3 remotes for like $70. 

That at doesn’t add HDMI or room correction or eliminate any extra boxes from your system so I’m not saying it’s definitely how you should go...just one idea to make things a bit simpler without getting into major changes or major cost.